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  • Kate Allgood

What is Mental Skills Training?

Mental conditioning/performance training is about understanding the “mental game”, whether that game is athletic or otherwise, it is about human performance and building the necessary mental skills and techniques necessary to perform consistently and effectively regardless of the situation. Mental performance is understanding the factors that help explain reaching and consistently maintaining optimal performance – to strive to achieve one’s best.

To help with understanding the role mental conditioning plays, ask yourself this question: “Are you performing at your very best and there is no room for improvement?” No one will ever answer this question affirmatively, most people will say there is a gap between where they are performing and where they are capable of performing. Mental skills training is about closing the gap between a person’s current level of performance and what they are capable of doing.

Most people spend the majority of their time working on the physical, technical or tactical elements of their profession, with very little time and effort set aside to work on building their mental muscle and stamina. What most people will call their “mental toughness”. Everyone knows it exists, but very few people actually do anything about it.

Most things in life are 90% mental, and in order to truly perform at your optimal level, to reach the goals and level of performance you have set for yourself it is necessary to start looking at the mental side of performance. This is where mental conditioning comes in, it is the area of study dedicated to training your mind.

To contact me and find out more about how I can help you with your mental game click here


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Kate Allgood Masters Sport Psychology (with distinction) Masters General Psychology (with distinction) Sports Hypnosis Certification Mindfulness Certification

TAIS Assessment Certified


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