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Sports performance mindset and mental skills blog

Kate Allgood
May 26, 20222 min read
Mental Edge: Do more then is required
Get a mental edge by going above and beyond It is not always easy to know what you can do to stand apart from the crowd. In sports as any...

Kate Allgood
Mar 23, 20222 min read
Excellence Versus Success in your Sport
Process versus Results Most clients that walk through my door have a high level of focus on results. This causes them a lot of stress,...

Kate Allgood
Mar 14, 20222 min read
Can you stay at the top?
Can you stay at the top once you have reached it? Getting to the top of your sport is not a race, it is not about who gets there first,...

Kate Allgood
Mar 10, 20222 min read
How to play your role on your sports team
Learning how to play your role on your sports team is very important for not only being a good team player but also learning to focus on...

Kate Allgood
Feb 24, 20222 min read
Championship mindset – Defining mental toughness
What is Mental Toughness? Mental toughness is a word that is thrown around a lot, but many people don’t know what it really means. Think...

Kate Allgood
Feb 18, 20222 min read
Attention and sports performance
Improve your sports performance through better attention Attention and sports performance is about looking at the role attention plays in...

Kate Allgood
Feb 8, 20222 min read
What is Mental Skills Training?
Sport psychology is about understanding the “mental game”, whether that game is athletic or otherwise, it is about human performance..

Kate Allgood
Feb 1, 20222 min read
Mental Skills Coach: The power of you
As a mental skills coach my job is about helping clients to uncover what is already within themselves. To pull it out of them and help them

Kate Allgood
Jan 19, 20223 min read
Sports Mental Coaching for Athletes: The Importance of Being Specific
Last week I was talking to a client about his production levels. He had dropped off considerably over the last month, compared to what it...

Kate Allgood
Jan 12, 20223 min read
Mental Skills Training for Athletes: Making Sure the Process Lines up With your Goals
In this post I wanted to touch upon the need to look at if your process and the work you are doing to get better as an athlete lines up...

Kate Allgood
Dec 18, 20212 min read
Top Performers Mindset for Distractions
Every one gets distracted. Research has shown that no one, in any circumstance can sustain concentration and focus for the entire time....

Kate Allgood
Dec 11, 20213 min read
Athletes Mental Toughness: Holding two Realities
In this post I want to talk about something the top athletes in the world are able to do, that helps them perform in high pressure...

Kate Allgood
Dec 4, 20213 min read
Mental Strength Training for Athletes: Performance Systems
In my last post I talked about goals. Goals are important, they can help create direction and help you know what type of performer you...

Kate Allgood
Nov 16, 20213 min read
The Mental Skill of Goal Setting
Goal setting is a mental skill set. It is something that can always be refined and be done better. To set goals that help you accomplish...

Kate Allgood
Nov 11, 20212 min read
Do you Train your Attention? Do you Know How to?
I would say one of the most valuable resources your have as an athlete is your attention. It influences so many factors, some you know...

Kate Allgood
Oct 20, 20213 min read
Self Talk and Its Impact on Confidence
Confidence is something you want, you know it helps you be at your best, and you know when it is gone sometimes it is hard to find. Often...

Kate Allgood
Oct 12, 20212 min read
The Power of Positive Rituals in Mindset Training
Mental conditioning training works to help individuals to develop a way of doing things (positive rituals) that aligns with their goals...
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