TAIS ASSESSMENT | Sport Mindset Assessment | QP
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Sport psychology training program. Enhance your sports performance through psychological assessments.

TAIS Assessment

The Most Sophisticated Performance Enhancement Assessment of its Kind. 

The Attentional and Interpersonal Style (TAIS) inventory measures the ways that individuals concentrate and interact with others; those concentration skills and interpersonal characteristics are the building blocks of performance.

TAIS does not measure optimal performance; by identifying the drivers and limiters of an individual’s own performance, it predicts how to help the individual achieve optimal performance. By understanding these predictors of performance, we develop a plan to improve specific mental skills, thereby enhancing performance and reducing the potential for performance mistakes.

TAIS is used to help people develop leadership abilities and perform under pressure in sports, military, and business environments.

How Does TAIS Work?

TAIS is an easily self-administered instrument comprising 144 items. Each item describes a thought or behavior, or a general statement – you are asked to choose the response that most closely applies to you. Once you have finished the inventory, it will be analyzed by a computer database and the results will be used by Kate Allgood, a TAIS-certified coach, to predict how you will perform and develop a highly individualized performance development program.

Online mindset course. Learn from an athlete mental coach how to train your mind to succeed.

What Evidence Is There That TAIS Works?

TAIS has been used by almost 1 million people over the past 37 years; it has been used by Olympic teams in the U.S., Australia, Italy, Singapore, and Spain, and with individual Olympians in numerous other countries. The leadership assessment tool has been translated into 11 languages.

Developed by Dr Robert Nideffer in 1976, TAIS is supported by his 25 years of research exploring the relationship between an individual’s concentration skills, their level of comfort or emotional arousal, and their ability to perform in high pressure situations.

Who Would Benefit?

TAIS is most widely used in team-building contexts such as high-performance sports, in the evaluation and training of high school, college, Olympic and professional athletes around the world. TAIS is also being used in business, and by the military and police forces to optimize performance under pressure.

Quick Facts

  • An inventory of style, not ability or intelligence 

  • Administered online; clients are provided with username and password to login to the assessment; takes about 30 minutes to complete 

  • Results sent to Kate Allgood to interpret and develop performance program

  • Speeds up process by 6 – 12 months. 

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