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  • Kate Allgood

A Core Practice to Help you Respond vs React in Your Sports Performance

One of the things you have complete control over is choosing how you respond to what you face in your sports performance journey. You get to decide how you want to be and how to handle the various things that will come up within your journey. To help with being able to respond, it is essential to have a core set of values. Values help define you are your best and help provide some support to lean against in tough times and to help guide you.

When we look at a core set of values, it is essential to look at one or two that creates the foundation. It doesn't mean other values don't exist, but if you have too many things as a priority, nothing is, and you need to narrow it down to help drive the energy required for consistent high performance.

mental performance training for professional athletes in San Diego and Los Angeles. All practitioners are trained in the field of sport psychology

Constant improvement has always been a core value for me, and it helped a lot when I was an athlete. Especially in those times when my role changed, or I got cut. I leaned against it, which allowed me to continue to improve and work to become a better player. It also helped when I dealt with injuries and needed to change how I thought about training my body, what I ate and how best to take care of it long term.

When you reflect on when you are at your best, think about what values you lean against the most, which are most important to helping you be your best, and helping you make tough decisions. These are the ones to help create your core set of values. It doesn't mean you can't change them; it is important to periodically reflect on them and figure out if they still fit your core values. Once you have set your core values and start paying more attention to your values, you may find another one is more important.

It is important to reflect on your values, then put them into motion and see if they fit. With time you will find these become the pillars you use to help guide you and to lean against. If you want help with your mental game, and taking your performance to another level, contact us and find out how we can help.

To your success,

About: Kate Allgood is trained in the field of applied sport psychology. She holds two Masters degrees in psychology where she graduated with distinction. She has spent the past 14 years working one on one with high school, college, Olympic, and professional athletes to help them with their mindset, mental performance and mental skills training. Kate has also been a consultant for professional teams, including the Anaheim Ducks primary minor league affiliate the San Diego Gulls, to help the team and players develop their mental game. It is important to note that while Kate has graduate school training in applied sport psychology and general psychology, she does not diagnose or treat clinical disorders, and is not a licensed psychologist. 

**The information provided is not to dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique, either directly or indirectly, as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems, without the advice of a physician. The information provided is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for high performance. If you know or suspect you have a health problem, it is recommended you seek your physician's advice.


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