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  • Kate Allgood

3 secrets that will help you succeed with your sport goals

Tips to help you with your sport goals

If you are a serious athlete, then I am sure you have set sport goals for where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. However, if you are like many people many of those goals you have set don’t always stick. There are a number of reasons why this occurs, but most importantly it is vital to implement a few tips to make sure you are not one of those people who fail to maintain their goals beyond a couple months.

Tip #1: Don’t put too much on your plate

Sports performance mindset coach, mental skills for athletes in San Diego, Los Angeles and Orange County. Trained in the field of applied sport psychology

I see this all the time, where people usually only make sport goals at one time of the year or think about how they want to grow. It is important to have goals and want to change things, but growth is a process and so while you may want to change a few things over the next year. Start one at a time. If your sport goal is to get to the gym 4 times a week and eat more nutritionally this year. Try first to just get to the gym 4 times a week for a month or two. Let it become a habit before you add something else. Once you feel getting to the gym is more habit then forcing yourself there, then add in some changes to your nutrition.

Tip #2: Don’t bite off more than you can chew

Much in line with the first tip, you want to make your goals realistic. If you try and change too much too soon you will set yourself up for failure. It is better to set a goal that you can consistently do and build the habit around it, then to try and do too much, and fail to do anything. For example, lets say you want to start meditating. Start with 3-5 minutes a day, and build a habit around that time period for a couple months, then slowly increase the time after you have the routine down to meditate each day.

Tip #3: Make your resolutions habits

This goes along with what was mentioned in tip #2. When you start something new it requires a good deal of will power. Will power runs out eventually, and so this is why it is important to make something a habit, so you are pulled to it, rather than having to push yourself towards it. This why it is good to start small when you are trying to make changes, you are wanting them for the long haul, not just a month or two. This requires habits, not will power, and if too much is trying to be changed at once it makes it harder to make the habits that will allow the changes to stick.

For help with creating and achieving your goals please contact me here.

Kate Allgood


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