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Sports performance mindset and mental skills blog

Kate Allgood
May 26, 20222 min read
Mental Edge: Do more then is required
Get a mental edge by going above and beyond It is not always easy to know what you can do to stand apart from the crowd. In sports as any...

Kate Allgood
May 19, 20222 min read
Control your emotions = control of your performance
You must learn to control your emotions, because if you do you set yourself up to have more control over your performance. I am not just...

Kate Allgood
May 14, 20222 min read
Mental Skills Tip: Who do you surround yourself with?
Who do you surround yourself with? I want you to think about this for a moment. It is said that we are the average of the 5 people we...

Kate Allgood
May 4, 20223 min read
How to be confident without becoming overconfident
Being confident is something everyone wants. In the past I have touched upon how to build confidence and what a lack of confidence does to..
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